Why won’t the EUphobes set out their alternative to the UK’s EU membership?

When anybody in favour of remaining in the EU points out the benefits that their group, profession, sector gets from the UK’s membership, there are only 3 reasonable responses from the EUphobe groups:

1) here is how and why you will still be able to receive the support, finance etc after the UK leaves the EU;

2) that’s a pity for your group/sector/business but we believe the overall benefits for the UK outweigh the losses some might suffer;

3) hard luck, you’ve done well enough for long enough. You’ll just have to find some other way of generating income or do something else.

The EUphobes seem to prefer to ignore the concerns of these groups/sectors/individuals and accuse them of bias and vested interest.

They seem to have no interest in setting out the consequences of a Brexit and exactly what they will put in place instead of the arrangements we have with a through the UK’s EU membership.

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